AssetWise Web Help

Viewing i-models in Visual Navigator

Visual Navigator lets AssetWise Web users view and navigate i-models stored in AssetWise.

Visual Navigator assumes that there is a relationship between the tags in your community and the tags within the i-models in your community. The mapping of tags is configured by your administrator. Once mapped, you can locate the i-model you want to open by searching for one of the related tags in AssetWise. You can also open an i-model simply by locating the AssetWise document that contains it.

Note: Visual Navigator uses the Bentley DGN Navigator Control (an ActiveX control). You will be prompted to download the Bentley DGN Navigator Control the first time you select Display in Visual Navigator for a document or tag. Once the control is installed, you will not be prompted about it again. To allow the Bentley DGN Navigator Control to work in general, and to avoid security prompts from Internet Explorer, add the current AssetWise website to the Trusted Sites list in Internet Explorer.