AssetWise Web Help

To Create a Document Using a Wizard

Note: Admins: This functionality is only available when you install and deploy the Document Design web plug-in (one of the AssetWise Engineering Designer Web Plug-ins) to this virtual directory on the AssetWise Web Server computer.
  1. Click the Create new eB Objects icon at the top of the Navigation pane.
  2. If more than one scope exists, set the default scope in which you want to create the document.
  3. In the Add Object list, click Document.
  4. Select a document template from the list.

    You can filter the list of available templates by name, description or classification.

  5. Click Next.
  6. Fill out the fields and the attributes for the document:
    Option Description
    Number There are two ways a number can be calculated:

    The first case is when only a mask is specified in the configuration of the template. When the Number check box is checked, you can either manually enter the value in this field or you can let the value be automatically calculated from a mask.

    Another case is when a template has a calculated mask in its configuration. In this case, you cannot modify the value in the Number field.

    Revision Revision can be entered manually when there is no revision rule set specified for the template. When there is one, default value will be used and revision rule set will be used when a new revision of the object is created.
    Title The Document title shown is a description of the content maintained within the document object. In the case of drawings, the document title matches the title of the drawing.
    Class A non-editable field defining the class the new document will belong to.
    Date Effective The effectivity of a document is defined by the effective and obsolete dates. In practice, the effective date is normally the same date as the approval date of the document.
    Synopsis Lets you add a summary of the document.
    Remarks Lets you add extra descriptive information about the document.
    Attributes Attribute values can be included in calculated masks. You can enter values for those attributes in the "Please fill out the attributes below:" section. This section will only be available when at least one attribute is specified in the Object Creation setting on the template's class configuration (classes and templates can be configured using AssetWise Director). Only attributes included in the Object Creation setting will be displayed here.
  7. When all the required information is filled out, click the Create and Edit button to create the document.

Document template with Mask and without Object Creation attributes

Document with Calculated Mask and with Object Creation attributes